Did you know?

Sarvey Wildlife Care Center depends solely on public donations.

We have become a valuable resource for the community over the past 4 decades. While we do compete for some grants, the primary source of our funding is YOU, the individual donor. We thank you for your support.

All donations made through our database are secure and we take safeguarding your personal information seriously. We will never sell your contact information and your donations are protected by the sophisticated software at Blackbaud Merchant Services. If you elect to opt in to cover the fee associated with the credit card processing fees, thank you! This allows our organization to receive your entire contribution and offsets the costs for us. We are registered as a 501(c)3 charity, and your donations are tax- deductible. TAX ID# 91-1303534

Every animal has a cost associated with its care, even those that must be compassionately euthanized due to the extent of their injuries.

Even if you have never brought an animal to our wildlife care center, you can still help us rehabilitate these animals in need with your donation.

While the true cost varies with each animal, the average cost is $200 per patient. (Compare this to your pet's vet visits and this is a bargain!)