If you find an injured or orphaned animal first take the time to observe the animal and it's behavior. If you conclude it's definitely injured, call Sarvey Wildlife Care Center at (360) 435 4817 and describe it's condition. Sarvey will suggest the best course of action for that animal.Please use common sense if you need to contain the animal. It's important to remember that any wild animal will try to protect itself. This is a natural reaction; they don't know your trying to help them. Don't consider the animal to be vicious, it is very very scared. If you have determined that the animal needs to be transported for rehabilitation:
All migratory birds are protected by federal and state laws and there are stiff penalties for violations. It is illegal to shoot, trap, or otherwise harm any migratory bird. It is illegal to have possession of a migratory bird. If it is one that is injured or orphaned you may transport it to a licensed Wildlife Rehabilitation center immediately for care. It is also illegal to possess an egg or feather of one of these birds without a special federal permit. These laws are intended to protect our valuable birds, so that they will continue to play their vital role in maintaining the health of the natural ecosystems.
If the mother is found dead you can check her pouch for babies. They are attached to her nipples and can be gently removed. Keep them warm and get them to Sarvey Wildlife as soon as possible. Opossums that are 7 inches long (not measuring the tail) and are not injured usually don't need assistance. At this size and age they are self-sufficient.
Often people see fawns sitting quietly, all alone, and think they have been abandoned. In most cases the mother has left the fawn while she is off foraging. This is quite normal and the mother will return for her baby. Sometimes well-intentioned people "rescue" the fawn. If you find a fawn and it is sitting quietly, leave it alone, and leave the area. Mom will not return while you are nearby, and she is more than likely watching you. Check the area the following day, if the fawn is still in the same place it needs help. If the fawn is obviously injured or you know that mom is dead, call Sarvey Wildlife immediately.
Point of interest
Does routinely hide their defenseless babies in brush or tall grass while they are away feeding. She will return to the fawn a few times during the day to nurse it. Fawns can remain motionless for long periods of time, and give off no odor at this stage of their life. A predator can walk right by the fawn without detecting their presence.
If a bird has hit your window and appears injured/stunned, immediately place it in a box/container with a lid - be sure there are air holes. Containing the bird right away will prevent them from flying off with untreated injuries and trauma. We recommend ALL birds that hit walls or windows come in for an exam and observation, even if you think it is doing well, there can be trauma that will worsen over a short time and the bird could suffer or die if simply released. If a bird has been attacked by a cat or dog, or there are visible injuries, please bring it to Sarvey Wildlife for treatment.