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News & Events

Blog: News & Events

A Wild Baby Shower

By Sarvey Wildlife / Thursday, April 1, 2021 /
BABIES ARE HERE These orphaned Cottontails must be tube fed twice a day. They need specific formula designed for their delicate digestive systems.  Our baby mammal nursery is getting busier... Read More

Rescued Patients Arrive

By Sarvey Wildlife / Monday, February 1, 2021 /
THE NEW YEAR GETS OFF TO A BUSY START We have been busy this month with rescues and many new patients arriving. There has been an increase of birds that were suffering from salmonella poisoning. This... Read More

A WILD End to an Unforgettable Year

By Sarvey Wildlife / Thursday, December 31, 2020 /
This Northwestern Salamander will be wintering over with us. He was accidentally stepped on and is recovering from some swelling. We are watching the final hours of 2020 countdown. This has ... Read More

Go WILD Today!

By Sarvey Wildlife / Monday, November 30, 2020 /
Today is the day! #GivingTuesday, a global day dedicated to giving is here. This is our final fundraiser push as we approach the end of the year, and what an incredibly busy year it has been. Despite ... Read More

End Of A Wild Summer

By Sarvey Wildlife / Wednesday, September 30, 2020 /
End of A Wild Summer The last several weeks as summer came to an end and we transitioned into early fall, we remained busier than we can remember. We anticipate we will take in 3,000 patients thi... Read More

July 2020 Newsletter

By Sarvey Wildlife / Friday, July 31, 2020 /
Sarvey Wildlife Rescue 911 - Keeping us busy...  Does everyone wonder where the time has gone? Or is it just us? How is it nearly August!? We have been extremely busy the past few weeks an... Read More

June 2020 Newsletter

By Sarvey Wildlife / Wednesday, July 1, 2020 /
Somedays we all feel like this....                   This adorable little orphaned Raccoon did not think much of his vet evaluation.We fee... Read More

May 2020 Newsletter

By Sarvey Wildlife / Sunday, June 7, 2020 /
BEARS RETURNED TO THE WILD  These radio collars will eventually fall off as the bears grow. The fabric spacer will rot and the collar will drop away, but first, research data can be acquired.... Read More

April Newsletter

By Sarvey Wildlife / Friday, May 29, 2020 /
Duck, Duck, Goose &  ...Raccoon, Coyote, Otter, And More...  The beginning of our spring baby season has been like no other in our nearly 40-year history. Like every business, we have ... Read More

March Newsletter

By Sarvey Wildlife / Thursday, April 2, 2020 /
Treetop Home Makeover On March 20, we had a call from a homeowner reporting a Great horned owlet on the ground. It turned out that there were actually two owlets that had come out of the nest and ... Read More
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